Vigna caracalla (L.) Verdc.
FabaceaeThe snail vine has a strange and beautiful plant bloom, like the shells of snails for its spiral shape, grows in tropical areas of Central and South America where they say, they can rise to a height of two stories in one summer. In addition to its unique coiled form, its flowers are very colorful, creamy white with subtle pink, lavender and gold. The plant is pollinated by certain species of ants, attracted by the nectar of flowers. In 1792 Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States and one of the authors of the constitution of this country, wrote about the snail vine saying that although in England it is a greenhouse plant, growing outdoors in Virginia and Carolina. If Jefferson planted it personally or not in the garden of his neoclassical house of Monticello in Virginia, is something that is unknown, but the plant was cultivated in these gardens in the 1830s. The snail vine was introduced in Europe in the eighteenth century.