Hedera helix L.
AraliaceaeIvy grows naturally in European forests, although the varieties that have leaves with green and white colors, the variegata, seem to come from the Canary Islands. Being a climbing plant that grows hugging trunks of trees, ivy has inspired references to love and friendship, becoming a symbol of fidelity and everlasting love. Dedicated to the Greek wine god Dionysus, ivy is in the myth of the origin of this god called Bacchus by the Romans. Ovid narrates that, as a newborn from Semele and Jupiter, Bacchus was entrusted to the nymphs of Nysa, who hid his crib covering it with branches of ivy to evade the wrath of Juno, the jealous wife of the chief of the gods. The plant can also be related to the god of wine because it can relieve, taken in decoction, the effects of drunkenness. In al-Andalus it was a very valuable plant and there are several poets such as Ibn al Kharraz who devoted verses to it: 'It would be said that its leaves, in its beautiful greenery, are made of emeralds, the most beautiful and brilliant.”