Tetrastigma voinierianum (Baltet) Gagnep.
VitaceaeAsian vine, equipped with powerful tendrils, with large leaves divided into five leaflets. The generic name comes from the stigma 4-lobed. A very unique feature of these climbers is that they are the only guests of parasitic plants of the family of rafflesiaceas as the Rafflesia arnoldii. Discovered on the Indonesian island of Sumatra by Thomas Stamford Raffles and Joseph Arnold in 1818, is a parasitic plant trees growing under the trunk directly to their roots, where it gets the necessary nutrients. That is why we can only see its flower, of meaty texture and reddish orange color, which emit a strong stink similar to rotten meat. This peculiar property, as well as the heat emission, simulating an animal in a state of decomposition, serve to attract carrion flies, which are insects that pollinate. The Rafflesia arnoldii is the world largest flower, a huge and solid flower that can exceed 10 kg and up to a meter in diameter.